Assessment of treatment need for gum diseases

In a gum disease treatment assessment, you will receive an assessment on the condition of your mouth and teeth and a plan for necessary measures.

Assessment of treatment need for gum diseases

In a gum disease treatment assessment, you will receive an assessment on the condition of your mouth and teeth and a plan for necessary measures.

Gum diseases include superficial gum inflammation, gingivitis, and the deeper inflammation of the periodontal tissue, periodontitis, which causes damage to the periodontal tissue.

Gingivitis and periodontitis are very common diseases. They often present few symptoms and progress slowly, and they are caused by the accumulation of bacteria or dental plaque on the surface of the teeth and in the gingival pockets, which in turn causes the host’s defensive or immunological response to bacteria.

Common symptoms of gingivitis include bleeding, red or swollen gums, possibly accompanied by a mild pain. The gum usually heals when the bacterial mass and the tartar that retains the mass are removed from the surface of the teeth.

Common symptoms of periodontitis include bleeding in the gingival pockets, red and/or swollen gums, bad taste or smell in the mouth, increased mobility of a tooth, and mild pain. The treatment of periodontitis includes removing the bacterial mass and the tartar that retains the mass from the surface of the teeth and, if necessary, medical treatment, splinting mobile teeth, balancing the occlusion and, in addition, surgical procedures can be performed to rehabilitate the periodontal tissue damaged by the infection.

Periodontitis is a chronic disease, which means that regular preventive treatment is extremely important.

The service process

In an examination of the mouth and teeth, the depths of the gingival pockets are measured and the degree of inflammation and the extent of damage in the periodontal tissue are assessed. It is also evaluated whether the disease is a superficial inflammation, gingivitis, or a deeper inflammation and damage in the periodontal tissue, periodontitis.

A dentist will draw up a plan for necessary procedures based on the examination. Based on these, the decision to initiate treatment is made and the first treatment appointment is scheduled.

When should I make an appointment for this service?

When a dentist or a dental hygienist has diagnosed an inflammation in the periodontal tissue. Self-diagnosed bleeding gums, red and/or swollen gums, increased tooth mobility, bad taste or smell in your mouth or just a “feeling” in your gum or tooth can also be due to a periodontal tissue inflammation, which requires an oral examination and treatment.

What should I take into account when making the appointment?

The appointment includes an assessment of the status of the periodontal tissue, and the treatment begins at the next appointment.

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