Gum disease treatment

Gum diseases are linked to a number of common, chronic diseases. The treatment method depends on how far the gum disease has advanced.

Gum disease treatment

Gum diseases are linked to a number of common, chronic diseases. The treatment method depends on how far the gum disease has advanced.

Gum diseases are the most common oral diseases for adults. Gum diseases are bacterial infections, which left untreated can lead to loose teeth.

The service process

In an examination of the mouth and teeth, the depth of the gingival pockets is measured and the degree of inflammation and the extent of damage in the periodontal tissue are assessed. It is also evaluated whether the disease is a superficial inflammation, gingivitis, or a deeper inflammation and damage in the periodontal tissue, periodontitis.

A treatment plan is created based on this examination. In order to stop the infection, the teeth are cleaned thoroughly by cleaning the bacterial mass or dental plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth and the gingival pockets and the surfaces of the roots are polished. Gum infection, or gingivitis, can usually be treated with good cleaning and improving dental hygiene.

Antimicrobials are in the treatment of periodontitis, if necessary, and the teeth can also be splinted together to balance the occlusion, if necessary. The treatment of periodontal tissue damage caused by advanced periodontitis can also require surgical treatment. The most demanding treatments for gum diseases are performed by a dentist specialised in periodontics.

After the infection has been treated, regular treatment to prevent an infection is required in order to maintain the treated periodontal tissue disease.

When should I make an appointment for this service?

When a dentist or a dental hygienist has determined that you need periodontal tissue treatment.

Self-diagnosed bleeding gums, red and/or swollen gums, increased tooth mobility, bad taste or smell in the mouth or just a “feeling” in the gum or a tooth can also be due to a periodontal tissue inflammation, which requires an oral examination and treatment.

When should I make an appointment for this service?

When a dentist has determined that you need treatment for a gum disease.

What should I take into account when making the appointment?

The treatment method for gum diseases depends on how far the gingivitis has advanced.

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