Hanna-Reetta Kainulainen

Dental hygienist

Hanna-Reetta Kainulainen

Dental hygienist

I graduated in 2011 from the Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Kuopio. During my studies, I completed a three-month exchange period in Mozambique. After graduating, I moved to Mozambique for 1.5 years to work at a private dental clinic. I returned to Finland in 2012 and have since worked at a private dental practice.

I find it important to listen to the customer’s requests. My way of working is relaxed, calm and happy. Welcome to my practice!

Special expertise

  • Aesthetic dental care
  • Gingival diseases

Happy to be of service

  • Patients with dental fear
  • The elderly
  • Children and youth

Language skills

  • English
  • English
  • Finnish

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Clinics to a specialist Hanna-Reetta Kainulainen

Jyväskylä, Väinönkatu
Väinönkatu 30, 4 krs, 40100 Jyväskylä