General dentist
I’m passionate about my work. Its best aspects include engaging with the patient wholeheartedly, reducing dental fear and pain as well as providing personalised treatment to best serve the patient’s needs. I’m happy to treat patients who require special attention such as children, senior citizens, people with disabilities and people who suffer from dental fear.
I’m a gentle and attentive dentist, and I always explain what I’m doing and why during the treatment. If necessary, I can treat anxious patients under premedication or general anaesthesia. I’m happy to provide more information about these options at the practice.
I’m a member of the Finnish Dental Association, the Finnish Dental Society Apollonia, the Young Dentists Association (Nuorten hammaslääkärien yhdistys) as well as the Finnish Association of Women Dentists.
I keep my skills and expertise up-to-date by regularly attending further training.
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