Mavlouda Peiponen

Dental hygienist

Mavlouda Peiponen

Dental hygienist

Periodontal treatment (removal of tartar and bacterial coating). Gum disease treatment, cleaning, fluoride treatment, home care instructions.

Aesthetic dental care, i.e. whitening and cleaning treatments (soda cleaning) and attachment of dental jewellery.

Local anesthesia option.

I welcome new patients, and my services are also available to children and patients with dental fear.

Special expertise

  • Gingival diseases

Language skills

  • English
  • Finnish
  • Russian
  • Russian

Unable to find the service you were looking for? Call our customer service 010 400 3400

Clinics to a specialist Mavlouda Peiponen

Helsinki, Hakaniemi
Säästöpankinranta 2 A 8.krs, 00530 Helsinki