Tarja Linna

Dental hygienist

Tarja Linna

Dental hygienist

My job description primarily comprises gingivitis treatment, tartar removal, fluoride treatment and home care management. I also perform surface stain removal using paste and powder cleaning. You can separately book an appointment for powder cleaning. I carry out whitening assessments; laser and at-home whitening are also possible at my clinic. It is important to carry out a whitening assessment prior to the actual whitening to find the best whitening method for your needs. Our whitening customers have their teeth checked and cleaned first. We only perform whitening on a treated mouth.

Welcome to my practice at Erottaja!

Special expertise

  • Aesthetic dental care
  • Gingival diseases

Language skills

  • English
  • English
  • Finnish
  • Swedish

Unable to find the service you were looking for? Call our customer service 010 400 3400

Clinics to a specialist Tarja Linna

Helsinki, Erottaja
Erottajankatu 5 A, 2. krs, 00130 Helsinki