General dentist
Comprehensive, safe and painless dental care with over 30 years of experience. Excellent customer satisfaction (NPS100, Roidu2020) and a relaxed feel-good attitude by always listening to the patient.
My services are suitable for people who value high-quality treatment and painlessness. Oral health and the ease of treatment for the patient are the most important things of dental care. Appreciation of the appearance of teeth and aesthetic dental care have also increased. With modern techniques and years of experience in even the most challenging aesthetic treatments, we can easily make significant changes to the appearance of the mouth and teeth, which invariably affects not only the functionality but also the overall appearance.
Dental care with less pain is possible. I use a device specially developed for administering anaesthetic in a painless manner.
I examined your mouth and teeth using the largest magnifier found in Tampere (6x). In addition to RTG images, the oral camera also illustrates the situation of the mouth with photographs and clarifies the treatment plan for the patient. I am also happy to draw illustrations of dental challenges. These activities promote mutual understanding and trust in the treatment. This way we ensure that we are on the same page with the patient when it comes to the treatment plan and the objectives of their treatment.
Many of my patients have come to my practice for decades and have recommended my practice for their family members, friends and colleagues.
Welcome to discuss your hopes regarding dental care!
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Clinics to a specialist Yrjö Niemi