Let your smile dazzle!

Book whitening assesment

Dental whitening now from EUR 159

Is your smile in need of brightening? An efficient whitening treatment by a dental hygienist will brighten your smile safely and leave you with naturally white teeth.

You now get single-treatment whitening for the price of EUR 159 and laser whitening for EUR 299.* In addition, you get for free an Opalescence Sensitivity Relief Whitening Toothpaste, value EUR 22.50.

Laser whitening is the best option if you’re looking to have clearly whiter teeth and when a longer period of time has passed since your last whitening or if your teeth have never been whitened before. Single-treatment whitening is a great option for maintaining previous laser whitening or if your teeth are mostly in need of brightening. Please note that the whitening results are always individual.

New quick protection treatment

The final touch to any teeth whitening is a quick protection treatment, which guarantees that you will have to avoid food and drink that stains for only two hours and you can drink water immediately after the whitening.  The price of the quick protection treatment is EUR 25.50.

Start with a free whitening assessment

Teeth whitening can only be conducted on a clean and healthy mouth. If your suitability for a whitening has not been assessed in connection with a recent appointment with a dental hygienist, book your appointment for a free whitening assessment first. In the whitening assessment, a dental hygienist examines whether the treatment is suitable and provides you with further information about the treatment.

If you have already had the assessment, you can book an appointment for laser whitening or single-treatment whitening according to what you agreed with the dental hygienist.

As always, you get Bonus with an S-Etukortti card on all of our services and home care products.


*Discount price of single-treatment whitening EUR 159 (incl. clinic fee of EUR 27.90), normal price EUR 211 + clinic fee EUR 27.90 + toothpaste EUR 22.50 = EUR 261,40, your discount EUR 102,40. Discount price of laser whitening EUR 299 (incl. clinic fee of EUR 27.90), normal price EUR 368 + clinic fee EUR 27.90 + toothpaste EUR 22.50 = EUR 418,40 €, your discount EUR 119,40. This offer cannot be combined with other discounts. The discount price is valid until 30th June 2024.